Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's never to late to get back in shape!!

I've noticed alot of people have been posting about exercises they have been doing to whip there bodies back into there "high school size", "pre pregnancy weight", "weight before they got married" or just to be smaller I guess and I guess I figured that I could leave a word or two about my journey to a fit bod!!

Obviously I am not the skinniest person but I know I'm not the biggest one either so I need to get that out of my head for starters. Since my last son was born I suffered from PPD (postpartum depression). Unlike the other two pregnancies I had I wasn't able to lose the baby weight. Sad about that I figured I was already big so why stop eating now right?!?! WRONG. I kept growing and growing..and that brings me to where I am at now. My weight now is horrible. I haven't been this big nor this motivated in my whole life.  There are many reasons that I want to lose weight but mainly its because I have kids. Not just that but they are all boys, very active boys I might add! I can't play with them without getting tired within the first 5 minutes. Sad I know. I also want to lose weight for myself. I feel like I'm so disgusted with the reflection I see everyday that I take my anger out on others and I don't want to be like that cause I know if I don't stop they wont be there for me when I really need them. So long story short, I jumped onto the, what I call, "Don't QUIT til your FIT" wagon!! I am surrounded by many who motivate me, especially my Sister Sheena and my SIL Dianna! Anna sends me a daily texts when she goes to Zumba because she knows I love dancing and I love trying to lose weight!! She even picks me up in the mornings!! Bless her heart!!LOL! She always pushes herself every morning even when she is tired and it pushes me even harder cause I want to quit but she is standing right next to me so I too must push myself hard so that I don't look like I just gave up. She is a blessing in my life for that reason and many more!! Sheena on the other hand has been there for me since day 1. She has always agreed to workout with me even on days when she had just finished doing INSANITY (which is huge)!!LOL! I find myself getting discouraged fast cause I feel like I'm doing just as much as some people if not more and my results aren't as good as theres. That's when Sheen steps in and just EMPATHIZES not SYMPATHIZE with me. Its always good to here her little motivational speeches cause it sometimes puts me back on the motivation wheel!! So thankful to have a sister/personal trainer like her.. Love them to the stars and

So I finally figured out that I am not one who can do the whole diet thing however I don't mind working out as long as its by doing something I want! Of course I'm not going to go to fast food restaurants as much but I will watch what I eat. I won't push myself too hard but I won't give up easily either!

Here are a few things that I am going to try and make a habit of cause I love...

I have been trying to do EMZ as much as possible and have been lately however once I started working it kind of threw me off my normal routine so I'm actually trying to adjust to it. I feel like when I do it not only am I burning calories but I am doing something I love so it isn't bad at all. I love it and I love having my SIL next to me to encourage me to push myself to make it through the whole class!!LOL!
This is one of my new loves! My sister Sheena introduced me to a new kind of workout. It's kind of like kick boxing/ boot camp drills held here at the Muay Thai Institute! To me it's like being in a gym with a personal trainer who helps you work on all the muscles you didn't know you had and lose weight in all the right places without the pricey gym memberships and still getting the same results. They hold classes here hourly all day from Mon-Sat for only $17.50 a month!! I love that part!!LOL! I went to a trial class today and absolutely loved it. I mean it kicked my butt and I admit I wasn't able to do some of the exercises but with time I'm sure I will get there! The enviorment was very friendly and motivating. The people there were all motivating each other and helped push me to make it through the whole class without giving up when my energy levels fell below zero!!LOL! So I'm hoping between the two and watching what I eat of course I will be able get to my goal weight in due time.  That's just a little update about me..

As embarrassed as I am to post the following picture I want to motivate myself so that when I do monthly updates I will be able to see a changes in my body. Key word is hoping! ;(
    My before (don't mind the weight vest, I just thought I would lose more calories with it.Lol.)... Just  waiting a few weeks to see what My after a few weeks will look like:) Wishing myself luck....


PuMPKiN said...

Awesome post lala :) I love how close you are with your sisters...makes me miss mine...and I miss you and sheena! look beautiful!

Leipua Lao said...

I'm such a rookie at blogger and can't figure out how to follow your blog lol anyways just wanted to say you're doing GREAT!! Your motivation is so inspiring! I love how u jumped on the wagon and ran with it! I'm finding myself losing motivation out here in provo with no one to work out with but posts and blogs like this help keep the motivation. Keep it up you're doing an amazing job and thanks for the continued motivation:)

pwincessdi said...

Awwww thanks Klarah! My motivation is my reflection seriously!! My hubby n kids too, but mostly so I can be the best me I can be. Cause when u feel good on the outside you'll feel good on the inside. That's my goal. U are doing great, working hard & in time u will see results, just hott be'll get there Klarah, I know u will :)