Tuesday, September 13, 2011

That was simple yet fun..LOL..

Brenda is her name! Yes that is my dad's fiance's name. She is very intelligent, courteous, honest and nice. I really like her so far. I have only met her one other time before finding out she was going to marry my dad so I hope she knows that this guy has a million kids!!LOL!! She keeps him happy and grounded and that's is all I really matters. She has been here for about a week, visiting from El Paso, TX and she doesn't even want to go back. But who would want to return somewhere where the temperature is in the triple digits( can you say heat stroke)!!?! She is also a very great cook! I love love love her taco's!! They were delicious!!LOL! Anywho I do hope the best for the two of them. They have already started house hunting and have possibly found a house out in West Jordan so we will see how that goes. Hopefully Sheena and my dad have a huge falling out soon so I can keep his current house he has now since he doesn't want to sell it and then when I get it, they can make up!!LOL.. (Yes, I love my sis, but I love the house more..lol..). Jay kay-jay kay Sheen...

Moving on... My little brother isn't so little anymore.
He just turned 16 yrs. old this year so my dad is finally allowing him to go to his first school dance with a girl of his choice. Before this he was only allowed to go with my little sister Lai or one of there cousins who was within the same age group!!LOL! He was so nervous asking his little lady friend to "Homecoming" so he asked my sisters and I if we could come up with creative ideas for him to ask his date to homecoming. Well we did just that.. I mean I googled it for him and we picked the top 5. The reason for that is because homecoming is this weekend and my bro waited last minute to ask someone cause he honestly wanted to go stag with some of his friends. LOL, he is such a nerd. So anyways he had 24 hours to find a way to ask his date. Here were the options that he was going to choose from:

1. Stick an battery operated alarm clock under her desk and set it to go off in the middle of class and stick a post it note to it saying, "I hope its not to late, will you be my date?"..

2. Fill her tub with gold fishes ( cause they were cheap) with a note that says, "Out of all the fish is the sea, I chose you to go to homecoming with me". He has already got in good with Bailey's parents so he knew he could pull this one off as well. My brother is the quarterback on there high school football team and it's kind of making his head a little bigger then what it needs to be as he says he already knows alot of girls who would want to go with him but this girl is the prettiest and he has been talking to this one for awhile. ( Umm.. this must be puppy love.. so gross..LOL). This is a random side note but he was telling us in the car that she needed to get a dress that match what he was going to wear (conceited much?!?!)LOL..

3. Just a simple Elementary type of note that states, " Will you go to Homecoming with me? Please answer me by bringing the one of the following to school with you tomorrow." Next to the note he was suppose to leave a small rock that said "Yes" on it, or a huge boulder looking rock that said "No"!!LOL..

4. "Caution" tape was to be surrounding the silhouette of my brother that we were suppose to draw with chalk!! "I would die if you don't go to homecoming with me." Is what was to be on the note left next to the chalked body on the ground.

5. Fill her car with balls and leave a note saying, "I didn't have the BALLS to ask you to your face but will you go to Homecoming with me?"

Yes these were just a few of last minute ideas we gave my brother since he wanted to get this done and over with by the end of the day. If you know my brother and how simple he is, you probably already know what option he went with. He went with option number 5!!

So we, meaning Sheen, Lai and I went with Eni to Wal Mart to buy some balls, a poster board and a marker to write the note. He also brought his Jersey so if she said yes to wear it to school the next day!! It was simple, fast and fun for us to tag along with my brother while he tried to get this done. It was about 10pm so I was a little tired but went anyways.
( It took all of us to help him carry the balls!)
This is the sign he left on her porch with all the balls...
I guess it didn't help that it was so windy cause the balls kept going everywhere!!LOL!!.. It was pretty entertaining to watch him trying to strategize in keeping them all together and not blow away!!..
"Homecoming?" is written on every single ball!!
( He left his jersey for her in case she said yes!)
When we found out that she drove an SUV and my brother wanted to save money for the date, he figured filling her truck would be too much so he just bought a few balls and through em all around her porch!!LOL (smart guy)!!That is just a little update of what has happened these past few days!! It didn't help that it was extremely windy and her house happened to be the corner house on top of a hill!!LOL!!He was struggling trying to keep all the balls on the porch!!LMBO!!
(Can you picture us running up this dang hill with our arms full of balls hoping to not drop any before we get to her porch?!?!)

Until next time..

Here Always,

a.k.a Lala


F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

Congrats to your dad, that's awesome that he found someone...and that you guys like her!

And the "I didn't have balls to ask you in person".....hahaha so cute! I remember those high school days of asking someone to the dances in creative ways....didn't know they still did that! haha Good job guys!

Mua said...

Congrats to your dad, that's awesome news :)

Haha, I loved all those ideas!