Saturday, September 10, 2011

Enough Signs already, I get it now :)

So these past few weeks have made me think alot about my future with my family and put into perspective what matters most and it especially reminded me of my covenants that I made with our Father in Heaven. In order for me to receive all the blessings that were promised to me, I would need to keep my covenants and stay on the right path. I was one who took repentance for granted. I did simple and small things that were against our church standards and thought it was okay as long as I repented such as drinking caffeine, saying and thinking bad thoughts when I was angry, didn't go to church as I was always exhausted from the weeks events.. horrible, I KNOW!! Although these things may seem small and petty I will not be judged on that, therefore it needs to be fixed ASAP. Nevertheless I am still struggling to get these things fixed and back on track with church, school, kids..ect..

A few things happened these past weeks that made me really think. There was a house fire in Australia I think that claimed 11 lives, 3 mothers and 8 children. The house was engorged with flames within minutes making it difficult for fire rescuers to save the victims inside. The Fathers/Husbands of these families didn't even have a chance to save them. I'm sure this accident was very traumatizing to these families and there loved ones as well as the supporting communities that surrounded them. Then I sat back and thought a little more about how something like this could happen and why was this the Lords plan for these families, I was just deeply sadden and I didn't even know these people. Then I started wondering what these husbands were feeling, if they were sealed to there families or not or if they even understood the plan of salvation. The thought of them not being sealed to there families made me feel more sympathy for them. I then remembered that when I was doing temple classes prior to being sealed to my husband and kids I was reminded of the importance of temple work. And how these families who didn't have a chance to be sealed here on earth can still be sealed for all time and eternity if we do the work. So I realize now what I need to do. This story is sad, but I find comfort in knowing that although these fathers/husbands weren't able to save there families lives here on earth, they are still able to do the things needed in order to guarantee eternal life with them in heaven.

In the mist of all that sorrow and sympathy I was feeling for these families in Australia, another accident happened here in Salt Lake that hit a little closer to home. There was a tragic car accident that claimed the lives of 2 more people. One which happened to be a young lady. I did not know this young lady but from the stories I heard about her through mutual friends, I'm sure she would have been one of many people that I could have learned a thing or two from. This incident is extremely sad as well and I couldn't imagine the pain that both her husband and family are going through. This tragedy is sad but one thing that stood out to me was finding out that she was LDS and had recently been sealed to her husband. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints can provide you with a certain kind of comfort that you can't receive from friends or family members but from the bond that you have with our Father in Heaven. I found comfort in knowing that she was able to be sealed to her husband for all time and eternity prior to this accident(: I couldn't help but to cry. Not tears of sorrow or sympathy for this family, but tears of Joy. Although we may not know what Gods plan is for us here on Earth, we can at least live in joy and peace in knowing that there is such thing as eternal life and I am happy this young lady and her eternal companion were able to learn and take the necessary steps in order to make sure that they will never be apart again.

Last but not least I had read a blog that pertained to me. It may not have been directed to me but it was something that I needed to read. As if the above incidents didn't make me think about whats going on in my life and what I need to change to ensure eternity with my family I had one last reminder and it was this blog post written my SIL Dianna Otukolo. It was called, "Do U?". One of the first questioned asked was,"Do u wear your garments day in and day out? Or do u make excuses to wear immodest clothing because it's "CUTE"? My answer may shock you but sadly it is YES:( However my reason was not so I could wear immodest clothing but because I have packed on a few or should I say allot of weight and have been stressed out to the point where my garments fit just a little to snug. I mean the way I have been thinking and acting towards the people who have offended me have not been very positive so I felt that I couldn't possibly wear the garments with the thoughts and feelings and weight I was carrying around. I know this might seem a bit selfish and stupid but that is what has been going through my head. However after reading that post and a little bit of the article listed on the link provided I realized that it is very vital that I wear my garments day in and day out regardless what is going on. That there is a solution to every problem. If they are too tight buy more or just lose weight(although this is easier said then done). If I feel I am not worthy enough due to my feelings or thoughts then I need to re-evaluate my thought process. Simple changes can make the biggest difference therefore I will get this in check. I don't know what lies ahead for me and my family but I do know that I want them in my life eternally therefore I need to take my covenants that I made more seriously and teach my kids the importance of it all. Love the gospel and the eternal plan of salvation. So happy to be blessed with a family who enjoys these same interest and help to encourage me to stay focused on the bigger picture. Love you all..
( I am now able to see things a little more clearer now then before & I ♥ it..)

Here Always,


Brian N Sela Misinale said...

I LOVE this post! I felt the same when I heard and read about both these stories and it also made me re-evaluate my life and what I needed to do to become closer to our Father in Heaven and my lil family! Thanks for the extra, extra reminder :D

pwincessdi said...

Aww Klarah I had no idea, I wasn't talking about you I promise!! But I'm glad you are taking the necessary steps to get yourself back to where you feel you need to be. I get that way every now and then I feel like a car, I NEED A TUNE UP :) I agree with the temple work, it's a daily reminder of how I would love to live my life, by doing temple work it helps me to see the bigger picture. Lets go do a session soon :)

Mua said...

That was a beautiful post Klarah! I always think that when someone says or does something and it is 'something i need to hear' that it was meant to be, like it was our Heavenly Father's way of telling us. I barely realized that after going through the temple. Reading this post made some things that were blurry to me, become clear. Thank you Klarah!