I really don't call my hubby that!!:) Oh and when people call my phone T.J will start answering it just like his dad, This is Big Daddy what chu want!?!?He is such a nerd!!LOL!!
Another example is Toa always says "Don't get Pimped Slapped!" or Klar "UFA", which is a bad word in Samoan, and my kids think he is serious. So now when I make K.J mad he tends to call me that from time to time, then I tell him why he cant say that word and flick him. This will usually make him mad, so he'll ask me, Do you want me to slap your face, or Kick you!?! You know being a mom I couldn't punish him for stuff he pickups from us, so I said, " Do unto others as ye would want done unto yourself!!" With a lost look on his face, he punched me anyways, So long story short, he cries every time, he never learns!!LOL!! I know that as parents its important to teach or kids right from wrong, but its just so easy to forget there watching when your so use to doing something!! I guess that I should watch what I say and do because they are going to act and do the same things in public, however we are just kidding!! Okay I really started this post because my kids get lectured from there dad for eating in the Living room or in there rooms. So this morning I was eating in our living room a little after Toa left the house and K.j ran and asked me for a paper and pen. So I didn't think anything of it and handed it to him. He returned the paper to me a few mins later and asked me to leave it by our computer because he wanted his dad to see it. I put it right next to the screen and asked him what did you draw baby!?!? He pointed to the first scribble and said that's you eating by the computer and that's the food. He then pointed to another scribble, that took up most of the page, and said, That's daddy doing Hulk smash to you because you didn't listen....... I was just like what the heck?!?!?! I was just laughing because I jokingly do that to my kids and Toa when they don't listen, and Toa will do the same!!LOL!! seriously though, we are just kidding!! However K.J was so set on me getting "Hulk Smashed" from his dad!!LMBO!! It actualy looked like it made him all warm and tingly inside!! He always tells me that he is a boy and I'm a girl so we cant be friends but that he still loves me!!! I hate this little boy /girl phase that K.j is in. He confides in his dad about anything and everything because I'm a girl he doesn't want me to know!! I mean its just little things like he wants his dad to sleep with him, play cars with him, bathe him...ect..LOL!!! I don't remember T.J ever in this phase but I hate it!! I was kind of disturbed by this little phase K.j is going through but I know with a whole lot of patients, this to shall pass!!LOL!! Well just thought I could share!! I'm sorry unlike other parents I don't have cute adorable stories, I have awkward and weird ones to share!!!LOL!!
Dont let this face fool you!!LMBO!!
I was seriously cracking up throughout your whole post!! Cause I know that made up names are true!! hahahahah and Bubs too with all his stupid names he makes up, and he teases me on mines!! hahahaha thanks for sharing! Your boys are wonderful Klarah, they know you guys are joking...that's why they're hilarious themselves! They have great confidence and they get that from you two!! :)
OMG! I can't stop laughing at all your crazy names! ha ha.. Too funny! LOL..
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