So I just got done reading something very disturbing and I was going to leave a comment but I just had so much to say about it. For my sister, you know who you are, I just want you to know that I am here for you and even if I am couple of hours away I can always make an exception!!
LOL!! Honestly though, on a serious note, I cant give you any advice now because you seem to be so in love and even if I were to tell you what you should do, would you listen?!?! Would you consider it!?!? Do you honestly think that you are strong enough to get through this with the love you think you have for him??!! I want you to know that you are a very strong woman and your son will have the chance to see it if only you could take yourself out of that situation, or at least better it!! I cant force you to do something you don't want but I can let you know that you are not alone and that I'm here for you!!! I think your a bigger woman then I would have been if something like that happened to me . I wouldn't even have the
gutts to admit it to myself or others. You admitted it and that's the first step to recovery!! I'm not going to preach about what you should do because that would make me a hypocrite. I have been is similar situations but not the same exact one, however I know that in my case no matter how much my family and friends told me to move on with my life, I didn't listen, I followed my heart and knew that things would get better and if not I would make the decision on my own to change. I could tell you that if I had a chance, I would kick his
Nates ass, but what would that do but make the situation worst?!?! I want you to know that
vengeance isn't the answer. So for people that want to hurt him,I know you feel like you have reason to justify it, but its just a way to lure you down to his level. I think it would make you just as bad. I thought if I told people what was happening with me and my relationship they would help me out, but all the negativity that I got out of the suggestions only made it worst. So
anywho I want you to know that regardless what you choose to do, I will be standing there next to you!! Having said that I heard this saying and I thought about us sisters!!
LOL!! Its because if you did something crazy we would still be there for you if not with you!!LOL!!
"A GOOD FRIEND is someone you call to bail you out of Jail,
However a TRUE FRIEND is the one sitting next to you saying; Damn that isshhh was fun!!!"
I love you and I just want you to know that I'm flying out there to visit with you next week!!! I'm not even joking!!! Call me later!!
Awww.. what a sweet post sis! I love you both! :) And I am here for the both of you, whenvever you need anything! Love you guys! :D
Your a sweet sister Klarah to go out there and be with her. Love your posts! :)
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