Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It's funny how just two days can feel like forever...

So I have decided last month that both Sheena and I were going to take a trip to Euless, TX to visit my niece, her daughter, whom I claim to be my own (cause she looks soo much like me its crazy)!! However as excited as we both are about this trip I am second guessing it now.  Don't get me wrong I love my niece to death however I hate being away from my kids P.E.R.I.O.D!

My boys are sleeping for school now as I'm finishing up with my laundry and all that is going through my mind is what GOOD excuse can I give Sheena as to why I can't go anymore!LOL.. nbfr.. I'm the type of mom who gets overwhelmed from time to time and then ask for a help or a break to take time out for myself then when the opportunity comes around for me to do so, I don't want to go anymore cause I don't want to leave my kids. If you know me, like really know me,  then you know my kids are my motivation in life or my life in general and they are with me about 94% of the time if they aren't in school and I honestly love every minute of it. I know I might be just a bit dramatic but I can't express in words how much my kids mean to me. Just the thought of taking this trip fills me with guilt because I am leaving them behind although I know that is not the case. It's really about me supposedly getting some R & R but we will see!! This is going to be the first time I am away from Brigham and honestly I can't handle it right now, its so hard:(

I should really get back to doing my laundry and distract my mind before I really back out and send Sheena alone!!LOL!! I know she will be hurt if I do so, so I will suck it up and go..  If your wondering why I don't take my kids it's because Toa was in St. George last weekend and we were low on funds so he promised Kj they would throw him a birthday party any day this week and of course he chose the day I would be gone so that is why my older boys aren't going. Brigham has a really bad ear infection and I am really hesitant on taking him on a plane especially cause I know take off and landing will do some thing to his ears that he won't Wish one of them wanted to go with me ):

Well until I am able to write again..



F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

Awww, you're so cute Klarah! Such a good mommy! You know, if you give him benadryl before you get on the plane, not only will it help him sleep, but it will protect his eardrums....for reals! :-) Just in case you end up taking him!

Anyways, have fun and get some R& deserve it!

MARCIA said...

Klarah you are a mom and there is nothing wrong with feeling guilty, but you do need a break. Leave Brigham home with Bubs, he'll be fine. Don't call or text, except for first thing in the morning and right before bedtime. You need some girl time. Enjoy your weekend with your niece, it's not like you see her everyday. Everything will be a madhouse when you get back, but who cares, there is always tomorrow to deal with it! Love ya