Saturday, June 18, 2011

He is finally Here:)

Yes, I do realize it has been awhile since I have last blogged but Baby Brigham is finally here!! I mean he is two weeks old but I am just now finding time to blog about it:)
Two weeks ago to the day I was sitting at church when I felt the need to pee. Hence me going to the bathroom. Well about 10 seconds after coming out of the bathroom I felt a little gush come out of me. Embarrassed of the thought that I may have peed on myself I didn't say a word to Toa. We went to my dads to give him our propane tank as we were planning to have a bbq for our family from out of town before they went back. While at my dads house I noticed that I had kept leaking. Terrified that others might see, I asked Toa to take me home so I could change. When we got home I was a little worried and asked my mother in law, since she did have 7 kids, if she knew why I was leaking, her response was simple, she looked at me with a smile and said, "Your water broke"! I was in shock for a bit as I never had my water brake with my two oldest so I did not know what to expect. I mean this isn't how I expected. I didn't have a huge gush of water come out as shown in movies and what not!!LOL!! It was like periodic small gushes at a time. Well I went in to make sure and sure enough my water broke.

We went up to the IMC Hospital at about 11:30am Sunday and at 1:15 am we welcomed "LJ Brigham Motuliki". He weighed 7 lbs 6oz and was 20 inches long. He was absolutely perfect. Although he gave us a bit of a scare, I am just so grateful everything worked out and we were blessed with yet another perfect little boy!!

My 3 boys just giving mommy a hope that these three will always remain close and get along at all times!!

He is my baby boy and I love him soo much already even though he is less then a month old!!

Baby LJ with his Daddy!!

I saw Toa taking pictures like crazy so I tried to at least fix my hair before he got to me!!LOL!! Don't judge me.. LOL.. Isn't he just so perfect?!?!Th

So happy Toa and I decided to have another baby after Kj cause then I wouldn't have had this handsome little boy with us today!! Who knows maybe just maybe I won't tie my tubes cause the procedure sounded painful and all the possible side effects were just to much for me to bare!!!LOL!!


Anonymous said...

I am so HAPPY he is here too! :) I'm so in love with this little guy, it isn't even funny! Lol Love you Brigham! :)

pan x 8 said...

Congratulations Lala! He is so beautiful!!! I love his name - Brigham. Handsome, just like him!!

Brian N Sela Misinale said...

Congrats :) he is so cute!!! Good to know delivery went well :)

Tina Tuakoi said...

Congratulations again on your beautiful baby boy! He is so precious, and you look great after just giving birth. :)