The letter "T" is the beginning letter of some of the most important things in my life or will play an important role throughout my life.
This word is important to me because if I could just believe and have a stronger faith in the gospel and all it's teachings, then I will understand the truth about what has happened in the past and why, what is going on now and what will happen in our future if we live our lives according to the scriptures and the BOM (Book of Mormon).
Without this word, it is almost impossible to live my life the way I know I am suppose to. I just don't understand why it is so hard for me. Its very easy to tell someone to put your "TRUST" in the Lord and he will see you through your trials, however I find that when I am faced with trials it is very difficult to trust in anything as I feel I have been faced with more trials then I can bare at the moment.
This is without a doubt something we will all experience at one point in our life when we are able to over come our biggest fears, challenges and trials. When I think of this word I think of the feeling we get when we succeed in even the smallest task at hand. We do not have to climb mountains, or be the first to finish a task at hand. As long as we do not give up and give it our all then that is what matters most.
Nobody wants to go through heartache and trials but I'm sure we all have and will continue to. This word brings negative feelings and emotions to mind when I think of it. My trials may not be as severe as losing a loved one but just the simple fact that I am overwhelmed with a problem that stresses me out and I feel can not be resolved on my own, is a challenge. Although my trials may not be the same as yours it is still a trial and just like you, once we over come our trials we feel that much stronger, making the trial we were faced with worth it. I mean I don't want to be faced with trial after trial but I know at the time, it may have been difficult but I only see blessings as an outcome.

The gospel teaches us that the heavenly children decide who they want as there parents. Meaning my son chose me and how big of a blessing he was to me. I could not stop crying when I thought about how blessed I was to have TJ in my life and how the Lord sent him to me first probably because he knew TJ was my strongest boy and although I may have been very young at the time, I secretly in a way needed him and the comfort that only he could provide me with! I started to think back when he was a just a baby and I felt like I was being faced with some of the biggest trials in my life. At times I felt like I was being punished for something and I didn't know why, to the point where I felt like the pain and burden these trials came with were unbearable and made me want to give up on everything. I thought it would be easier to remove myself from the equation then to keep trying to fix the situations I was in. Then when I saw my precious little TJ next to me sleeping peacefully and unaware of my heartache and pain, just sleeping. I realized how much this little boy needed me. How selfish I could have been to think such things. Then I made me think that no one could love this little boy more then I. No one can provide for him like I can. I also realized that he chose me as a mother because he obviously saw something in me that was special to him. At this point I changed my mind set immediately. I then wanted to try that much harder to make his life that much more easier. He comforted and eased my pains without saying one word. He knew that with just one smile he could soften my heart and heal it at the same time. Just hearing the sound of his laugh I knew that I was going a step closer in the right direction. With every accomplishment such as crawling, walking and being potty trained, I too as his mother was proud and wanted to know what other tasks both Tj and I were able to succeed at. As he grows I see that the Lord sent him to me to help me get through some of my trials to help better me as a person. It made me a stronger mother/teacher because of it. Before Tj came along I did attend church and all its classes, however I really never paid any attention as I felt they were teaching boring and useless lessons. After being blessed with such an amazing son I noticed my hunger for the gospel had grown. I was curious to know what lies ahead for my son and I. I wanted to get my life on the right path and try harder to reserve a spot in Heaven for my little family. It amazes me how a baby who needs all your attention and depends on you for everything in life can change your life so dramatically. I know I may not show it as much as I need to lately but I am working really hard on being a great example to my son in every way possible as this is the best advise and lesson I can teach him in life. This is the only way I can prove to both our Heavenly Father and TJ that I love him is to raise him on a firm foundation of the gospel so that we can live as an eternal family! Since TJ was born in June I thought What better way to start off the month then to let my son TJ know how much he means to me and how thankful I am to have him in my life!! In my case I can honestly say I do not know where I would be if you didn't enter my life when you did son! I love you eternally for eternity boys!!
what a beautiful blog. I love all the "T"s. TJ is sooo cute! :) I'm glad you had him too, cause he is so the best babysitter for Selini :)
Very very special post.
I love your thoughts on "trust" and I totally feel it is easier for me to tell my children to trust the Lord and when they remind me that I must trust the Lord as well.. it really touches my heart.
Love TJ!
Absolutely loved this post:) Loves to you all from HI!
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