Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Life, My boys...

After attending one of the most beautiful services held in honor of the beautiful and blessed little angel by the name of Lauren Faletea, I could not stop thinking about the strength and courage the Lord had in store for her family. Although they may not see it now I am sure they will eventually when they notice the impact there little girl had made on so many she had never even met.

I watched in amazement as the strong parents of this little girl held it together for all there family and friends to see. To see them with such strength and yet knowing deep down inside there is this unbearable feeling of emptiness for the loss of there little princess was truly humbling to me.

I could not stop crying just thinking about what goes through the minds of the parents who have to go through such a trial and yet to understand and believe that it is all part of a bigger plan in store for our family. I could not comprehend the thoughts and feelings one would feel after such a tragedy.

When Abe and Sila spoke about there precious little princess, all that kept running through my mind was how they were able to provide Lauren with one of the most empowering gifts before she left and it wasn't a trip to Disney world but the gift of the holy ghost, faith and the knowledge of the gospel and in knowing that families are forever.

I could not hold back my tears. I then started to look my life and the life I wanted for my children. My mind started running with endless thoughts about my own children and how I have yet to provide for them spiritually. Although my children see that I do work to be able to provide for there physical needs and wants I can't shake the feeling of knowing I have failed them as a mother if I don't start building a firm foundation of the gospel for them. I need them to know the importance of the gospel and the plan of salvation so that if anything was to happen they will understand why and be able to get through there trials.

I see that as my pregnancy comes to an end I find me priorities changing slightly. Being so exhausted from the previous weeks agendas I have found it easier for me to rest and sleep in on Sundays hence me not attending church. By doing this I allow my children to stay home with me which I know is not helping them spiritually at all. From this point on I felt that if I ever felt overwhelmed with stress and feeling exhausted I will still attend church regardless what as I am sure my kids will realize and understand how important it is to me and for our family. I just want what is best for them. I need to focus more on both there spiritual needs as well as my own and let the rest fall into place and not worry about these worldly needs as my boys are my life here on earth and I want to be sure that we are able to live our life to be together eternally.


F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

It was such a special service for little Lauren wasn't it! What a great tribute to a special little girl! Made me stop and think about my own life and was good seeing your beautiful face! :)

pwincessdi said...

awww how sweet is this post. You are a good mother Klarah, it is always nice to examine our lives when we see someone else going thru a hardship. They don't know but while they are going thru that hardship they are also teaching others as well as themselves. It made me think of my kids continuously and I couldn't help but cry throughout the whole thing. I'm glad it made you think spiritually, because it is hard to think that way all the time here on this earth. Much love to you Klarah and good luck with church, and pregnancy and everything else :)

Anonymous said...

It was definitley a beautiful service! She was such a sweet little angel, and what a HUGE impact she has made on me as well. I never knew her personally, but just reading and hearing things about her, makes me take a step back and really look at the bigger picture. And I agree with you completely, you and your kids spiritual needs, definitely need to come first. And everything else will fall into place. Don't sweat the little things sis. Love you tons! :)

F@y said...

Such a good read Lala! Love your thoughts. Youre a great mama and Im so excited for your new bundle of joy!