Sunday, September 20, 2009

Walking with motivation.....

So lately I have been motivated to start working out AGAIN and it has been fun. I go every Mon. Wed. Fridays to Liberty park and walk with my sister in laws and its so fun!! Before I would usually find reasons why I need to workout and then quickly give up when I don't see immediate results. Yes I know its sad, but then I've noticed a change that has kept me motivated and No its not in my clothes sizes, although I would not mind that at all!!!LOL!!
The change is with my kids. I have noticed that I am able to play outside with them and keep up,that I can play longer with them without being out of breathe and last but not least they seem happier!!:) Oh gosh, its such an amazing feeling.
So the other day T.j and I were outside playing with the jump rope, when T.j came up with the great idea to see who could jump the most without getting tired or messing up. I was like heck no cause I never win those kinds of games!! Then I quickly tried to persuade him to ask his dad, while I scooped him some ice cream and he declined my offer and insisted that I do it with him. So I asked him to practice for a little bit while i ran inside to put on a girdle so he didn't die of laughter after seeing me jump and jiggle all at the same time!! Anywho we started his little game and guess what happened next... I couldn't believe it....... I won!!!LOL!! I was so excited that I made him play with me a few more times that day and the following day until he started crying saying I was cheating!!LOL!!. He was like I hate that game lets play something else!! So we stopped and found other games to play that we were both good at!! But the point I was trying to make was that working out helped me become a better parent and enjoy life with my children!! I've realized that I have missed out on alot of quality time with my kids! When they would go outside and play I would stay inside and watch t.v or on the Internet. I have changed though... I love spending time with them before but I love and Cherish it so much more now. I couldn't imagine my life without them!!:) So thanks Anna and Cia for allowing me and my crazy little boy join your LPC!! (Liberty Park Crew!!!)


Ane said...

I will have to come out there with you gals sometime! I am excited that you and Anna and the girls are all doing so well! Keep it up Klarah! ;)

pwincessdi said...

aww so cute! Love the pic at the top. You are doing great, and I didn't notice you ever not playing with your boys outside alll the time! (BTW thanks for playing with mines too) Something I seriously should do more often!! Thanks for sharing your success :) Can't wait to report on mine...gimmie another month or so! hehehe I love the LPCREW!! hahaha

MARCIA said...

Moms rule..LOL! I've noticed that too with Junior when I try to practice with him, that I can run a little more than I used to.
Well now that I know that you beat TJ, you could definitely start running with me and Kassie!! No excuses!!

Kassie said...

You go girl.. :) Love your top picture too.. is that the dress you wear when Toa sasa's your muli?? LOL! Keep it up, and then like Marcia said, you can come run with us!!

Tina Tuakoi said...

Great job Lala! Way to be persistent! It's always the first few weeks that are the hardest, after that it feels like it's just part of your day and something that needs to be done!

Oh BTW, I LOVE your picture! LOL

F@y said...

Go Lala! Btw I love your Marilyn Monroe pic!!!!!