My Mom when she was younger!!

Me trying to reenact my mom's picture above!!LOL!!

So the other day I read my little sisters post about her daughter whom passed away a few years ago. How she has so many questions such as why did this happen to her? and how it still hurts her to think about it. The whole time I was thinking to myself, I have a mother but I am not close to her, well as much as I want to be. Then I thought that there are also mothers out there who are not privileged enough to have children and yet there some of us take our mothers or children for granite. My parents divorced when I was really young and my dad raised me. So growing up my dad was both parents for me. I mean my mom was always in my life but not as much as I would have hoped. We would spend maybe a few weeks out of the summer with her but that was about it. Once I got older I had a chance to live with her for about a year or two before I got home sick for my dad. I loved having her around and it did help me to grow a certain bond with her, but it wasn't what I expected. It was tough and we didn't always see eye to eye, but for the most part her intentions where good but the way she went about it was just different. As every mother is!! We have the same aspects on life however the way we go about it is very different. I just wanted to let her know that even though I don't call to tell her as much as i know I should, that I do love her and I only wish the best for her. I have decided to reach out to her and try to make an effort on keeping up with her and all that she is doing. Let the passed be the passed. I did our family home evening yesterday and it was about "What Matters Most?" The Prophet had said something in regards to this message that I take to heart and it was "Never Let a Problem To Be Solved Become More Important Then A Peron To Be Loved." He had also said that we should fill our days more with what means most to us. I love this message, it means so much to my family at this point in our lives cause we all have problems and issues with close family or friends that keeps us away from them or even just calling them to say hi, but when you think about it, all its really doing is pushing your close family and friends away. This is precious time that we have been blessed with to be with loved ones and we are wasting it on being angry or bitter. I wanted to avoid that within my own family so I found something that everyone in my family, even my boys could relate to so that they can understand the importance of finding what matters most to them. So our goal this week was to work on "What Matters Most?"and I'm excited to see what the outcome of it all will be. So that is what our FHE was about!!:)
That's soo great Klarah! I'm glad you are teaching your family. Who knew you were a lil missionary?!! I love it! You're right it's all about the people that matter most!! Thanks for sharing :)
When I think of your Mom, those pics are what come to my mind. I think the last time I saw her was when we moved from Cali.
You are so great to start again with your Mom. I always tell myself - I need to act upon my thoughts instead of re-act. Good for you!!
Klarah your such an awesome lady!! Loved reading this blog. Thanks for sharing!!
Lala my dear, that was indeed a very touching post! I miss my mommy! Hehe! I have never met your mom before, but she is beautiful! Its sad to hear about family and friends being distant due to whatever issues. Its happening more now than ever. All we can do is try our best to make things right. Great post!!!
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