Thursday, March 12, 2009

Disney On Ice....

So we took our kids to see Disney on Ice because K.J is in love with Mickey Mouse and I knew that he would really love to see Mickey live, and he did!!!;) Oh and as for T.j I knows he likes Lilo and Stitch so it worked out fine!! I know that some pix are disturbing so I apologize in advance!!!LOL!! Just kidding!! It was just a really good way to end a week!! Here are some photo's I took while we were there. Some might be blurry but I tried to watch and snap at the same time!!! I caught a little bit of the Lilo and Stitch but not too much!! Well I hope you enjoy it cause I'm a horrible photographer however I've been told I'm a great/excellent mom and wife!!!!! ;) Until later on today!!!


Anonymous said...

Aww.. looks like you guys had fun! :) Wish we could've came! Lol.. But I think we'll try and take them Sunday?! We'll see tho! :)

pwincessdi said...

Was that you on ice in the first pic?? LMBO!!! jk!! I'm glad ya'll had a good time!! Nice family outing!! :)