This movie is one of the best movies I have seen yet. It centers around a Nazi-era soldier's family, and their move to a new location that turns out to be by a concentration camp. It turns out the father is a higher-up soldier who was assigned as the commander of the camp. The story is from the point of view of the little boy of this soldier, who's name is Bruno.
Throughout the movie, there are scenes that are very blunt and forward. Which would also resemble what must have been true feelings of the time. About people who were members of the Nazi party but who started to disagree with what was happening and going on at the camp. Families of soldiers who knew in their hearts that they were wrong, but who's fathers, sons and brothers were deeply involved in politics.
As the story progresses, the little boy befriends a boy through the electrified fences of the camp by his house, also known to the boy as the "farm". The little boy and his new found friend named, Schmoo, go through things that normally would have strained there friendship but it seems Schmoo is content to have merely found a friend that doesn't abandon him because of his Judaic ethnicity. Bruno, for his party, grasps at the thought of what is being taught to him by his anti-Semite tutor, That there are no good Jews, and if he did find one then he would be the greatest explore ever. The little boy is hoping that his friend may be the "one good Jew" he found while exploring outside of his house. He starts to realize its unfair that he cannot go inside the "camp" to play with his friend. Schmoo agrees, yet wonders the little boys intentions, because, after all...he knows that camp life is horrible. Who would want to come in and play?
Meanwhile, Bruno's sister Gretel, becomes a little blonde Nazi politico. This is what must have been part of the indoctrination of many Nazi youth. She tossed out all her dolls replacing them with Nazi posters, flags, news papers...ect... She also flirts with the Nazi soldiers that guard there house...who, I might add, heartbreakingly , go on power trips by abusing those from the camp.
Bruno's mother, like most wives, was a supporter of her powerful husband, eventually she realizes what is really going on at the concentration camp, and turns against him. After all he was a slave to duty.
If I tell you any more it will just ruin the movie! You always hear about how minorities in America complain about the Caucasians not knowing what its like to be in there shoes, but after seeing this movie, I think we have all lived through a phase of racism whether it was towards minorities or not. It was a heart wrenching , emotional, traumatic and knowledgeable movie. To see things from another prospective was just crazy. I felt so bad for all the people who had to really live through those times. I'm just so grateful to be here in this day and age because of all the things that i have been blessed with. I admit I have those days where I think that no one understands, but I cant comprehend nor understand the feelings and emotions going through the minds of the families who were slaved at the camp. I guess I really cant complain about much. I think I need to be more humble and understanding to the fact that there are others going through tough times and some allot more then I. I don't know what I would do if I was locked up at a camp with my family. I couldn't even begin to imagine what I would do if I had to see my children forced into slavery and be so helpless, just the thought of it brings me to tears. I think that this is by far, one of the most terrible phases to have lived through. Okay well I'm going to bed now and hopefully I had touched you in a way that makes you want to change in a good way!! so until next time...
hey Klarah!! I'm glad you enjoyed crying through the movie!! I was so sad...and I was at work lol....so anywho glad you were deeply touched...it's juss that kinda movie ya know. The innocence of children will turn the hearts of men!! I believe that whole heartedly!!!
love ya,
Such a good movie! I still can't imagine going through any of that! :(
Yup..I cried through out this movie too! Loved it.
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