So I took my maternity leave on June 1st because my pregnancy was getting unbearable. I wasn't due until June 26, but I figured if I can take it early I will cause I couldn't stand driving into the office everyday the way that I felt. Well on June 6th I was blessed with my baby boy BRIGHAM!! He was a few weeks early but he was still very healthy and big for being that early!!LOL!! Back to the point. Since my baby boy was born so early my maternity leave ended just as early. The beginning of July I was suppose to go back to work but I felt I was needed more at home with baby then anything else so I quit.
Once I quit I realized that being a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) consisted of alot more then I anticipated. I mean I was so use to working in the office all the time that when I quit my old job I felt as if I could focus on just my kids and getting everything situated for them to start getting back into a sleeping schedule as school will be starting soon and to keep a clean and stable home for us. Well I quickly found myself exhausted that I had to stay up with a new born all night just to be up all day with the two older boys that I really didn't have energy to clean or cook for them. I would make them convenient microwavable food to eat. Sad I know. Of course that is not an excuse to not clean but that's how I felt. I tried to keep up with the house and the laundry while watching baby, running errands, taking the older boys to where they needed to be and then having to come home and do it all over again the next day.. it was exhausting. I then started getting frustrated that our bills started building as we were not use to not having my income anymore. I then thought about doing unemployment as I was at my previous employer for awhile. The questions that are asked before you qualify for unemployment made me think... Why do people who use to hold a job but no longer do have the option of receiving unemployment if they had been at there previous employment position for awhile. Mothers do just as much as they do if not more. Why can't we get unemployment?!?! It may not seem like we don't do much cause we are seen in a office or warehouse or where ever people are paid to work but we do work where we are needed most and that is at home!! If it weren't for caring mothers most of the kids out there would be felons, convicts, gangsters..ect.. the list goes on but we don't get acknowledged for that the way the unemployed do. This is very frustrating. If there was a petition going around for SAHM's to receive benefits such as unemployment then I would assist in spreading the word. I feel like most mothers are qualified to do more then those who are actually employed.
My Resume..
Qualifications or skills: I have become a certified GN(Google nurse; Yes I do google my children's symptoms when they are ill until I find out what is wrong with them, then when we go to there appointments there pediatricians confirm my diagnostics.) I have also able to strengthen my communication skills as children are like adults, we are not all the same, therefore we need to find different ways of communicating in order to get the results we are looking for. In the past few months I have mastered multi tasking as I am needed to do numerous things all at once.
I mean goodness, a SAHM's resume looks just as good as anyone else!!LOL!!
On a positive note, I did contact my previous employer to have them fill out my employment termination form so that I may receive unemployment. That phone call took an unexpected turn. They offered me my job back. I mean they allowed me to work only 4 hours a day. Which was perfect for me cause i would still be at home with my kids most of the day and yet I will still receive some sort of check. Uughh.. the life of an undiagnosed woman...... Its complicating...
Once I quit I realized that being a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) consisted of alot more then I anticipated. I mean I was so use to working in the office all the time that when I quit my old job I felt as if I could focus on just my kids and getting everything situated for them to start getting back into a sleeping schedule as school will be starting soon and to keep a clean and stable home for us. Well I quickly found myself exhausted that I had to stay up with a new born all night just to be up all day with the two older boys that I really didn't have energy to clean or cook for them. I would make them convenient microwavable food to eat. Sad I know. Of course that is not an excuse to not clean but that's how I felt. I tried to keep up with the house and the laundry while watching baby, running errands, taking the older boys to where they needed to be and then having to come home and do it all over again the next day.. it was exhausting. I then started getting frustrated that our bills started building as we were not use to not having my income anymore. I then thought about doing unemployment as I was at my previous employer for awhile. The questions that are asked before you qualify for unemployment made me think... Why do people who use to hold a job but no longer do have the option of receiving unemployment if they had been at there previous employment position for awhile. Mothers do just as much as they do if not more. Why can't we get unemployment?!?! It may not seem like we don't do much cause we are seen in a office or warehouse or where ever people are paid to work but we do work where we are needed most and that is at home!! If it weren't for caring mothers most of the kids out there would be felons, convicts, gangsters..ect.. the list goes on but we don't get acknowledged for that the way the unemployed do. This is very frustrating. If there was a petition going around for SAHM's to receive benefits such as unemployment then I would assist in spreading the word. I feel like most mothers are qualified to do more then those who are actually employed.
My Resume..
Qualifications or skills: I have become a certified GN(Google nurse; Yes I do google my children's symptoms when they are ill until I find out what is wrong with them, then when we go to there appointments there pediatricians confirm my diagnostics.) I have also able to strengthen my communication skills as children are like adults, we are not all the same, therefore we need to find different ways of communicating in order to get the results we are looking for. In the past few months I have mastered multi tasking as I am needed to do numerous things all at once.
I mean goodness, a SAHM's resume looks just as good as anyone else!!LOL!!
On a positive note, I did contact my previous employer to have them fill out my employment termination form so that I may receive unemployment. That phone call took an unexpected turn. They offered me my job back. I mean they allowed me to work only 4 hours a day. Which was perfect for me cause i would still be at home with my kids most of the day and yet I will still receive some sort of check. Uughh.. the life of an undiagnosed woman...... Its complicating...
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