I'm tired of being a negative bumble bee.. Soo.. I wanted to find ways to communicate better in get my points across or getting my questions answered without arguing. I just want to learn how to communicate without offending others. I really need help doing this cause I find that if I hear something that really bothers me, I tend not to ask more probing questions to help me understand things better, Instead I will assume I know everything and get upset and frustrated then shut down because the communication is not there. This is why I have decided that it is vital for me to learn of different ways to communicate with others without causing unnecessary tension. So far the only things I have tried was yelling and it didn't work, nor did the silent treatment, so I need to try another method that is more efficient and effective. This is actually harder to do then to say. One day I will figure it all out, until then I am going to be annoyed that I don't know how to communicate, hence me feeling lost and out of the loop (if that makes sense). Okay.. I lied.. I think I know what I need to do. I need to stop worrying about being hurt, being stressed or just not knowing everything in general and worry more about strengthening my faith and knowing that everything will work itself out. If I don't know something right then and there, it could be for a reason. Maybe it's not meant for me to know right away. Or maybe I don't know everything cause I can't comprehend it all at this time therefore once I become stronger then I will have the strength to over come and accomplish all the trials I am faced with. Until then I will continue to work on being the strong woman, mother, sister, cousin, friend ect.. that I know I am!!!
I swear you're only in a bad mood when you blog! LOL. I don't think your negative at all.. Maybe sometimes, but I blame this bloody heat! hahaha So glad that you realize, that you don't know everything!!It took me years to get you to see that! LOL. Love you Pumba! :) Hakuna Matata!
Love the post. We all feel like that at different times. You will get where you want to be at your own pace. Remember that! Love you and that cute little baby of yours! So so sweet!
Everyone deals with things differently. I've learned for ME, that I just have to do what I can, and hope and pray that all falls into place. I can't ponder on what anyone else thinks or feels, because "THEY" don't matter. I try and zoom in on what does matter, and mostly every if not all the time it's My Heavenly Father, My hubby and kids :) It gives me a clear perspective, and helps me to make wiser choices. NO ONE IS PERFECT..but we are all TRYING to be like him :) Love ya Klarah!
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