As I was switching channels I could hear nothing but the sound of my husbands raspy snoring. It was a slight distraction from the noise I thought I was hearing around the house. I am a paranoid mom hence me sleeping with both my children's door and my room door wide open so if anything I can make a mad dash to there room.LOL. I know what you may be thinking at this point. I'm dramatic..
Well all seemed to be normal until I heard a loud thump upstairs. I was freaking out at this point. Everyone was asleep so I know it wasn't anyone in my family who made that noise. So I turned to Toa who was sleeping like a baby and punched his back as hard as I could. He woke up and looked at me as if I were crazy for hitting him and I quietly whispered to him, "Someone is upstairs." He looked annoyed with me and said it was probably one of his parents and went to sleep. Well he may have forgotten but I didn't that his parents had left for Oregon earlier that day therefore we were alone in the house. So at this point I was even more terrified to wait and see what the noise was and if we were being robbed.
So my motherly instincts kicked in. My mind set was I have kids in this house therefore if there was a robber in the house I was going to take him out, if not that then I would at least stall them and make noise so that Toa can get them out safely.LOL.. I know what your thinking by now.. I am acting like those stupid people in the movies who hear noises and instead of saving themselves they walk right into danger!!LOL!!
Any who I grabbed the hardest thing that I could find in our closet and preceded to walk up the stairs towards where I heard the noise. Holding the hammer in both hands I made sure all the windows and doors were still intact and that there was no one upstairs. There really wasn't any one upstairs and everything was still where it needed to be. So I came down stairs checked on the kids one last time before heading to bed and then sat up for another hour or so to make sure I didn't hear any other noise, which I didn't, so I finally went to sleep.

I'm glad I had a hard time sleeping cause I really wanted to stay awake until Toa woke up for work so that I made sure my kids were okay!!LOL! I fell asleep anyways and got a call from Toa when he got to work this morning. He said that when he checked the house this morning there was nothing out of place. However when he looked outside on the porch he saw... A Dead animal that appeared to be a crow that flew right into the glass sliding door. Just kidding it wasn't a crow nor a dead anima!!LOL!! I just didn't wanted anyone to think I was dramatic over something so stupid. The noise was a shovel that fell onto the deck due to the wind. I know I could be dramatic but hey at least my family was safe and the hammer was not used!! Well that's all for today.. I hope my story entertained you as much as it did my husband, whom I might add calls me a dramatic all the time!!LOL!!
lol..that is too funny. It's ok Klarah sometimes we need to be drama to get things noticed and solved lol. This was quite entertaining I must say haha come I'm exactly the same.....I think I make myself more paranoid....but I must admit, you're a whole lot braver than me, because there is no way (especially being pregnant) I would go find out what the sound was....I would bug my husband until he went and checked, and then I'd probably follow him so I didn't have to stay in my room alone....hahaha I guess I'm a little dramatic too!! haha Too funny!
Hey, it's your calling. You are the only girl in your family so you have every right to be the "QUEEN!" lol Yes even if it's a drama queen.
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