"Mom look what I got." Tj screamed at the top of his lungs as he was running towards Kj and I with a huge grin on his face. He reached the playground where I was standing watching Kj play, after signing him out of his pre-school class. Filled with joy and excitement, he continued to wave the crumbled green paper in his hand with a look of accomplishment on his face. From first glance I assumed it was a $1.00 or $5.00 bill that he could have possibly received from his dad therefore I did not think anything of it.
While waiting for my niece and nephew to come out of the school, Tj proceeded to persuade me to look closer to the money he was holding in his hand as he offered to take ME out to Dinner on HIM!!LOL! Well when I looked closer he did have a $1.00 but then he also had a $20.00 bill. I know his dad gives him money when he earns it however I also know Toa would never give him $20.00's as we are on a tight budget. "Where did you get that money Tj?" I asked in a concerned voice as I nervously waited for a response in hopes that he would be honest about where the money came from.
His grin was quickly wiped away when he realized that I did not share the same excitement as he did. He continued to tell me that his friend mowed lawns for money cause he was working towards a Seven Peaks (formally known as Raging Waters) season Pass. Well for some weird reason Tj's friend was under the impression that the season pass was $200.00 therefore he mowed lawns until he reached that amount. Once he reached that amount he found out the passes were only $4o.00 which left him with $160.00 to spend on whatever he wanted. He told Tj that since he was a good friend he deserved some of the money and that when he handed Tj $20.00. Tj was so ecstatic, he felt as if his kindness and loyalty to his friends paid off. I was happy to hear that Tj didn't steal the money but at the same time I felt bad for his friend whom I felt worked so hard for the money and was just throwing it away like it was nothing.
I advised Tj to return the money back to his friend as I felt he should not be paid for his friendship. Besides his friend could use the money on better and useful things then to hand it out to his fellow class mates. Tj started to crying and wanted to know why he had to give the money back. I just told Tj that I would be upset if he worked hard for his money and then turned around and handed it out to his friends at school. Therefore I wanted him to think about how his friends grandma would feel as she is the one who was raising him. He still did not understand and for some apparent reason my mind went blank. I could not explain to my son why it was so important to return the money. I had a brain fart. I had asked Toa to talk to Tj and assure him that giving the money back would make him an even better friend. Then I heard Toa say.. "I don't care what you do son. If your friend wants you to have it then keep it!" Uughh.. I lose my train of thought easily and its not normal. I think I'm just going to go to Tj's school tomorrow and talk with his friend and if he insist on Tj keeping the money that is fine with me but I want him to understand that $20.00 is alot of money.
Other then that on a positive note after taking the advise of one of my friends in regards to talking to my husband about helping me out more and expressing my feeling s he actually shocked me and clean out the nursery room, painted it and put up the crib for me without my help. I mean, he didn't do it with a smile on his face or good intentions in his heart but nevertheless he did it and I am so happy he did. I am not one who asks for much nor am I one to put pressure on someone to get things done but after much heated arguments/debates and awkward tension/silent treatments the nursery finally got done. Now all that I have to do is wait for the paint to dry and add my own personal touches and the nursery and we will be good to go!! The conversation between my husband and I didn't go as planned but it got the nursery done:)
For the first time in awhile I feel like I can actually be asleep before 2am!!! Yay..
I think it's sweet of your son's friend to think of you son so much to give him the money. His grandmother is obviously teaching him to share, which is an awesome trait. $20.00 is a lot of money for little kids, but I think the gesture is sweet!
Yay on getting the nursury done!! I'm so happy for you.....now that handsome baby boy will have his own little place!! Glad it's all working out!
I forgot to tell you what TJ said when I picked him up yesterday. He said my mom is being so mean and then Junior said why. TJ said because she's making me give back the money. That sucks huh. I just started laughing. But that is so cute that his friend looks at him that way. Your advice to him is good too, because you never know what that money was really supposed to be used for. Sucks to be that boys parents, especially if he stole the money...opps!!
I meant oops...lol
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