Although I am eager to see what "Brigham" looks like and how big he will be, part of me is saying I need to be patient as there is still allot of things that needs to be done, such as painting the nursery, putting up the crib, picking up a rocking chair & foot stool and getting everything situated before baby comes. I have also had the opportunity to get a few maternity pictures done for the very first time by one of my very talented friends, Kassie Feinga!! She is an amazing person who's sense of humor and talent is as big as her heart:) Here are a few sneak peek photos that she has done so far... I am so excited to see the rest when they are done..
I do wish I could have been a little more healthier (skinnier) with this pregnancy but I guess not!!LOL!! I figured since it was my last baby I mine as well take advantage and make memories that will last a life time:) So thank you "Sodapop Photography" for helping me remember these last few months of my last pregnancy!!
A few changes have happened since finding out I was pregnant.. Two of my SIL's are prego as well. Therefore my son will have cousins around his age!! Yay.. I have also came to realize that both my body and my finances are not equipped to handle any more kids, hence this being my last one. As much as I wanted a girl I guess I am happy I have been blessed with boys as I'm sure they can protect me when they get older. Well until my fingers touch this key board again..
You need a girl still...I say one more and then be done! lol..no it's your choice. But your pics are so cute, I love em! I'm not like you, I can't wait to have the baby out and FREEEEDOM!! lol...This is our last too, and I feel really good about it whether it be a girl or boy. Much love to ya Klarah!!
Love all the pics :) I totally understand why you are just comfy and dont mind waiting a lil longer... I bet its nice to say its your last huh...lol Well hope you and Brigham are doing well :)
Thanks for the kind words Lala.. I hope you love your pictures.. I really do! It was soo much fun and you guys make me laugh! You're glowing and I'm so excited for your new addition.. Luck you.. you're done! I have to do this 3 more times! hahaha.. we'll see! xoxox Love ya
That photos turned out beautiful! I love how colorful they are. You are one beautiful prego Momma.
ii LOVE your Photos!!!! Are you guy's really done??? Well we're right behind you on no wanting anymore as well but we'll see if we're gonna have one more or tie my tubes on the 19th!!! Can't wait to meet your little Brigham!!! You should throw a baby shower since this will be your last i'll come for sure!!! LUV YAH:)
These live are beautiful!! You're gorgeous. I LOVE the name!! I'm so excited for you. That'll be fun for.him to have 2 cousin's his age!
Love the pictures....Kass did a great job and you are just gorgeous!!
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