Yesterday my dad took all the boys, husband included, to have lunch at Ihop and it was fun to have a little me time all by myself. Well since I didn't go I had asked them to grab me some food on there way home. After an hour or so I called them to remind them cause I know how the guys get when they start talking.. .they forget whatever was on there mind prior to there conversations.
When Toa answered his phone he sounded a little annoyed. I was like I don't care if your annoyed with me or not, you guys better get my food!!(cause I have to eat or else!!LOL!!) As I continued to yell at him he cut me off and told me they were talking to the cops!! WTH!?!? Where are you? Are you guys Okay?!?! Whats going on!?! As these questions started coming out left and right, Toa assured me they were all okay and that they were still at Ihop. Then the next thought that came to my head was, "Were you guys ordering too much food!?"!LOL!! He was really annoyed at this point.

He told me that when K.j opened the car door, it hit the car next to them. There was no damage done so they went inside to eat. In the mean time the owner of the car, whom was a waitress there and wasn't suppose to be parked in the front in the first place, called the cops cause she said her car was damaged. Uughh.... There order came out and they started to eat. Then they were rudely interrupted by a man in uniform demanding they go outside and talk to him. My dad being my dad told the cop to wait outside for him until he is done eating. The cop didn't like that to much and raised his voice. Again my dad insisted that the cop wait outside, which he did, but not until after he called for back up. My dad was pissed off at this point.
When my dad finally went outside Toa was trying to calm my dad down as he went off on the cop because he felt like that cop crossed the line by disrespecting him in front of his family. The lady showed both my dad and the cop the damage my son had did to her little beat up Camero. Toa said she had to feel her car door for the dent because it was not visible to the human eye!!LOL!! Any who long story shorter..hahahaha.. my dad was cited for nothing and requested for the cops names so he could fight it, then they ripped up the ticket and told him not to worry about it. While the waitress was still stressing about how she is a single mother trying to provide for her kids and now she has to work harder to fix the damages done to her car...Uughhh.. so basically gave him a sob story. My dad fell for it and gave her $350.00 for the dent so they didn't have to exchange insurance info because my dad had my car. He left it at that but not after telling her, "If you wanted help or money for your kids Christmas then you could have just asked instead of making a big deal out of nothing." It was not a good start to the day, but it didn't ruin my dads day either. I mean after he did a few errands he went back and filed a complaint with the manager at the Ihop. They apologized to my dad for the inconvenience. Who does that!?! Why would you call the cops for something so minor or Innocent!?! Uughh... my dad is to nice. I would have gave that lady a piece of my mind and probably put a $350.00 dent in her car so it would be worth it!!LOL!! Oh well.. I hope her Christmas is Merry cause she just scammed my dad out of money that was suppose to be for me!!!LMBO!!!
Where is the Christmas spirit now-a-days? That lady is an idiot. I was sitting in my car TWICE when kids hit my car with their car doors. And it was hit HARD, but no damage. Good thing your dad's rich. Lol.
Umm... He's not rich.. He was Christmas shopping yesterday so he had a little bit of cash on him. He ended up not getting me food so I was pretty pissed off at the waitress for ruining that for me!!LOL!!
What a story!! Uncle is a trip and I can totally see why he would be frickin' pssd off!!
So.. no food and Uncle is out of $350... he is so nice! Merry Christmas to the single mother, right??
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