So I attended a funeral for a friends son today and it was so sad to see the family grieving for the Innocent infant, Bruce Zayden Burgess. He was only two months old when he passed away from SIDS. (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). He was also the youngest of 5 kids. His older siblings just look so adorable and humble today as if they were trying to make it easier for there parents. It was just so cute how they stuck by there dads side most of the time. I don't know what I would do if it had been my kid, but I do know that I would need a whole lot of time to myself. I was so speechless when I hugged Lini, baby Bruce's mom. I wanted to say it would be okay and that Bruce was waiting in Heaven for her family and that everything happens for a reason, but I didn't know how she felt and if these words would even mean anything at all. What do you say to someone going through something like this!?!? I always wondered why these things happen to us. Is it to test our faith, cause I can honestly say that it would be very difficult for me.

A few years ago my younger sister Candice had a still born and I know that it was a very hard time for her. I wish that I could have been there for her. At the time, I was
prego and so I couldn't fly to Texas but I want her to know that I love her and I think she is a very strong woman for going through something like that. Through this she has become a stronger person and I admire her for that. I just don't understand the Trial differences between caring a baby full term and then losing it at birth as to giving birth and losing it a few months or years later. Either way a family is left grieving for and innocent life that was taken from us to soon. They say that in this life we will be faced with trials and tribulations so we just need to be strong and have faith. I know that I am not the strongest one of the bunch nor do I have the faith needed, but seeing the kids I was blessed with, it really makes me want to change my life. I am done having kids, but these have got to be a few of my worst fears of being
prego, a still born or SIDS. I just look up to the mothers who are put in situations like these and still stay strong and continue to become stronger. They just prove that life does go on. Which inspires me to better myself in every way. I use to catch myself feeling sorry for myself when times got tough, but I know now how much harder it could have been. Well until next time, that's all for now!!
Wow, I can't imagine their pain. I too worry about SIDS. Allan's cousin lost an infant daughter to SIDS last year. It is scary stuff.
Such a sad, and a very scary thing to think about! I couldn't even imagine what these mothers go through! :(.. They have to be some extremely strong women, cause heavenly father never gives you something you can't handle!! Our hearts and prayers go out to Lini and her family!.. And Candice, I look up to you in so many ways! You are an amazingly strong women, and I love you!! :)
I loved reading your post! It's soo true! I feel the same way you did. It was so hard to think what if this were mine? So sad, but Lini understands that we have a loving Heavenly Father and that she will see her son again. It's hard and it always will be day by day...but that's all we can do right?...Juss take it one day at a time. Thanks for your beautiful post, I love it!! :)
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