So I know that my family noticed my baby was sick cause he hasn't left the house in few days and yes I guess you can say that there homes where a tad bit quieter than usual!!LOL!! I kept telling my husband that something is wrong with K.j but he insisted nothing was wrong. He told me I was over reacting and K.j would be fine. Well that was FOUR days ago and he hasn't improved a bit. He actually got a little worse:( I had to work today but I convinced my boss to let me take an early but long lunch! So I took my baby in, I know he isn't a baby, but he is my youngest and always will be so he is officially is my baby!! I just wanted to know why he wasn't getting better after four days. Well it turns out he has an ear infection in both ears :( and Bronchitis. So they proscribed him medication to clear up the ear infection and an inhaler to help him breathe because he was so congested!!:( I felt so bad! I bet if I would have just taken him in when I noticed the problem then he would be on the road of recovery and I wouldn't have to miss work!! Don't get me wrong, my kids come first, but with the economy so bad I'm lucky to still have a job, besides I need a job to pay for emergency's like this!! I'm back at work and my son is at home with his daddy because when kids are sick they cling to the parent they feel a little closer to and this time I wasn't so lucky, He only cries for his daddy and it hurts my feelings!!!LOL!! T.j is a daddy's boy and I just don't want both of them to be! I think he was just mad I had to return to work!:( That is why I think I need a girl, who won't get attached to her dad!! Anywho, the inhaler itself cost about $90 so I hope it works!!! I hate to see my kids sick cause they just seem so unhappy and that makes me unhappy. I was joking around with my sister because her daughter was sick with a bad cough as well and she didn't want to take her in. So every time Mele coughed I would asked Sheena, Now does that sound like a $300 cough, cause if you take her in to the emergency that's what its going to cost. Then I would ask On a scale 0-10 , ten being the worst, how would you rate your pain? Then Sheena would answer for her, its at a 9, okay were still good cause the scale goes to 10 so when you get to a 10 we will take you in. I mean we were joking but really we where just trying to hide the slight panic I know we both felt for our kids.
Awww poor baby! Hope he feels better soon, when I did my internship at the Huntsman Pediatric Center I was so sad to see kids sick, I can't imagine how heartbreaking it is to watch your own baby sick :(
Glad you went in and he got the meds he needs.. Kisses to KJ xxxxxx
Your such a dork! Lol.. It was fun joking about it, but really.. I'm glad our babies are okay! :)
Don't you hate it when kids get sick? It sucks so bad!!! KJ is soo sick tho. but how come he's still mean as ever, like last night! hahaha
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