So my mom is visiting us from California and I love having her here!! She is such a great help when I need a baby sitter or just someone to talk to!! Well only when her and Sheena aren't teaming up on me!!
LMBO!!!:) I try to go to Shena's everyday and hangout with them if possible,
that's if I'm not exhausted by the time I get off work!!!:) She is a great Grandma as well. My youngest sons birthday is on January 29 and my mom wasn't going to be here with us to celebrate, instead she bought my family passes to Walking with the Dinosaurs!!! Of course She is going to go as well and so is Sheena and her family!!! I'm so excited. Probably more excited then T.j is!!!
LOL!! Well the show is tonight at 7 pm!! I cant wait!!! I know my mom is going to be so scared!! Its funny to think of her facial expressions when she starts to show any emotion towards anything!!! I mean not when shes sad or mad, but everything else!!!! I cant wait to get off to work!! My feet hurt and I want to get out of this uniform and into something comfortable and nice to wear tonight!!! Okay just thought I should share that!!
aww sounds like a lotta fun. Hope your phatty boi loves it!! Ur mom is too sweet! :)
YAY! I can't wait for tonight! How come I'm already getting my kids ready! hahahaha
You need to blog about this because I can't wait to hear all about it!! Have fun, lucky ducky!!
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