My couponing start early Sunday morning at the crack of dawn. I went to the Kmart on 123rd S/ and to my surprise there was a mini line that had already formed outside the glass doors! When the doors opened I saw about 10 people that rushed in and about 6 more people making there way to the door. When I got inside it was like no one was there! I saw no one until I hit the shampoo/conditioner isle as well as the bodywash isles!! I dont know how they did it but I swear there were about 6-10 carts in those isles!! Once I was able to fit my cart through there were nothing left for me to grab. That sucked. I stared angrily at the crazy mob that had there carts full of specific items that I know for a fact they did not need. That they only grabbed it to show that they can say alot. I think if couponing helps you save thats great and we all need to do it. However there are those people that take more then what they need and it makes it harder for thsose of us who only need 1 or 2 of the item!!:) Don't get me wrong I have alot of family and friends that are trying to teach me how to coupon, and its fun and great. I just dont see why a family of three would need 20-30 of the same item. Yes we need to shower and smell good but seriously 2 adults dont need 30 bodywashes everytime you go to the store. Yes if you can see I am ventingbecause I had to fly out to St. George just to use some of my coupons, because I couldnt get anything here in salt lake. I either had the coupon and no products or had the product but the Kmart didnt want to honor my coupons!! It was just a horrible experience. Especialy for me just starting to learn how to coupon. I hated it! Well for the things I did grab, i spent about $50 and saved about $120!! It was worth it and no I didnt grab too much of one thing! Believe it or not I was more intrested in helping my family to get stuff!! I was even offering my coupons!! I helped my sis save bout $80 and she only spent $13!! It was fun!! I saved and I loved it! I hated using my gas to find the stores that carried anything worth driving for but I guess it was worth it!! So that was the over all experience I have had with my couponing. One last thing I almost forgot, the Kmart in West Valley Sucks!!LOL!! They did not double my $2 off 2 on the Aussies or the Sunsilk. They said it was already $2 off and they couldnt double it!! Oh dear it was just poor customer service!! Well till I write again.....
Yeah.. thanks for helping me save so much!! :) Your the best! I really don't understand why those Kmart people wouldn't double your coupons!! They are so annoying! And yes.. people who take more then what they need or ever use are so selfish!! So annoying!
Hi Lala! Man I could so use that here in Hawaii, cuz food is crazy expensive here! Glad you saved some money! Greedy people suck! lol~
Lala, I know what you are talking about. I did that for a whole year and couldn't take it anymore. It does save you money, but the time is way too much. I had to constantly go back with reinchecks but then so is everyone else. Sometimes it would take me almost a month of going back and forth to get items I needed. Why did I stay? Because the savings were so great and you get used to which store is good to go to and which ones aren't. It's like finding golden treasure!
Hey send me you email addy - and I'll send you an invite. Mine is blocked. :) Love Janice
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