Monday, October 6, 2008

My family!


My name is Klarah and I am married to my love Toa Motuliki and together we have been blessed with two of the most handsome,adorable,outgoing boys you will ever get meet!!

I have been through so much in my life and I feel like the only reason I'm still sane is because of my family. I've always tried to be the best role model I can be for my kids and family in general, but I'm not perfect. I probably complicated my own life by trying to make everyone else happy and then myself. Then I realized that as long as my boys and I are happy then what others say or do to me really doesn't matter. I might have an enemy or two but I 'm not here to impress people, I'm here to improve me!! So I learned to leave the past alone and grow a back bone. If I did something or people think I did something wrong I cant change their mind, but I can become stronger by not letting them get to me with their rumors or by there actions towards me. I cant change what happened but I can prepare for what is to come. I always see myself straying away from the church and surrounding myself with all the wrong influences but I know that everything happens for a reason and its something that can be changed. I just need to focus on my family and improving my self and less on others and proving myself to them. Having said that I just wanted to let my family know that without them I don't know where I would be!!! I'm just happy that they are so patient with me cause I know that I could be a little crazy or wild but they are always there through it all.... So thank you guys for that and know that I appreciate everything and I love you all dearly .......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah.. well you sure as heck don't show me you love me??! hahahaha I want it on papaer missy!hahahahaha Say it loud and proud.. I LOVE MY SISTER SHEENA TUAKOI!hahahahahaha